Wednesday 30 March 2011

Lifeline Match for Pakistan!


For Dr Sohail Saleem, the medical fitness expert of Pakistan cricket Board, the match felt like a lifeline for his beleaguered nation. For, that country has been in turmoil since 2009 in the arena of cricket. This victory could have become a face saver for Pakistan, diplomacy has triumphed. "This match was very crucial for us. Anyway, it will be an all-Asian final. Back home, everyone had lot of expectations as cricket and patriotism was almost synonymous." Hailing the Indian hospitality, he added, "We had been warmly greeted and given complimentary food right from Amritsar to Chandigarh."

Dr Saleem decided to stay at his hotel room, wearing his Team Pakistan T-shirt. He watched each bat-to-ball moment as he did not want to show his emotions to his team manager. "The defeat is acceptable as it is a game and the best team will take away the cup. But as a Pakistani, I feel disturbed." Streaks of hope interspersed in his comments, he said, "In the last world cup, we could not make it to the semi finals. This time, at least we have managed to elevate ourselves to this level."

Enlisting some data on the suicide rate in Pakistan in 2001, which has increased to manifold in 2010, the physician said, "The victory could have brought a smile on the face of our almost gloomy nation. Both natural calamities and terrorism have hit our country hard. Entering the finals could have provided some succour." Appreciating the decision of Shoaib Akhtar to retire before this match, Dr Saleem said, "Fast bowlers like him are prone to injuries. He took the right decision."

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